Hard reset ( Format ) Code for Nokia 5800
The deffinition of hard reset is to reformat and restore the factory settings at the same time by using a key combination that is already available on mobile.
Performing a hard reset, all existing data on your mobilephone will be lost unless the default from the factory. So previously advised to backup important data on the phone.
This is usually done because the phone memory may be too full and make operating slowly, or perhaps also because it forgot the phone lock code so that we can not go into the menu.
To hard reset nokia 5800 express music :
1. Turn off your mobile
2. Press and hold GREEN + RED + CAMERA + POWER button
3. Keep the keys pressed until you get the shaking hands
4. Wait until the phone restart automatically
All data file and setting should be reset to the factory setting, and phone code will be set to default 12345.
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3 comments: on "Hard reset ( Format ) Code for Nokia 5800"
Works beautifully. Thank you
thank u. it was very useful!!!:)
Very nice
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